The Garden Cinema

39-41 Parker Street

London WC2B 5PQ

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​Simona Kossak

Dir: Adrian Panek
Cast: Sandra Drzymalska, Jakub Gierszał, Agata Kulesza, Borys Szyc, Nika Wichłacz, Marianna Zydek
Screening 1: 12 Mar, 20:00
Screening 2: 30 Mar, 18:00
The Garden Cinema
biography drama
Year of Production: 2024
Country: Poland

From a small cabin deep in the Białowieża Forest Simona Kossak (1943 - 2007) studied nature and made history, largely on her own terms. Adrian Panek’s engaging dramatised biography of the pioneering scientist (played by Sandra Drzymalska, EO) centres on her journey from family misfit (her grandfather was artist Wojciech Kossak) to ecological activist. Jakub Gierszał (DOPPELGANGER, ULTIMA THULE) is her freedom loving photographer companion Lech Wilczek. The natural landscape, especially the deer, plays a pivotal role, exposing issues still relevant today around the position of women in science and our need to take care of the planet.

A second screening on 30 March at 18:00 has been added due to popular demand, book your ticket now to avoid dissapointment!

The Garden Cinema

39-41 Parker Street

London WC2B 5PQ

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